Welcome to the International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering 2018 (ICOASE2018). The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE which is represented by IEEE Iraq Section.
The conference is jointly organized by the University of Zakho and Duhok Polytechnic University.
The Conference is the premier forum for presenting the new results of advanced topics in science, engineering, and their applications. The aim of the conference is to bring together leading academic, scholars and students, in order to discuss theoretical and practical issues through sharing their experiences and research results. Its focus is to create and distribute knowledge about the use of scientific and engineering applications.

All of the accepted papers have been published in IEEE Xplore digital library. For more details, please click here.
Best Students’ Paper Awards
The details of the 3 students and their papers can be found from the Conference Program->Best Students’ Paper Award
Best Students’ Paper Awards
The details of the 2 reviewers can be found from the Conference Program->Best Reviewer Award
Day 3
Technical Sessions, for more photos, please visit 3rd Day from the Conference Program or click here
Day 2
Technical Sessions, for more photos, please visit 2nd Day from the Conference Program or click here
Day 1
Some sight views of the opening ceremony. For more photos, please visit 1nd Day from the Conference Program or click here
Submission Deadline Extended to 1st, August 2018

Conference Proceedings

All accepted papers (min. 4 pages/max. 6 pages) will be published in the conference proceeding (digital copy on CD) and a book of abstracts will be given to all participants on the registration day.
Publication Opportunities
The aim of the conference is to publish a set of high-quality research papers in the IEEE Xplore digital library after the conference. All accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication and indexing after rigorous reviewing. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from publication after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) in two cases:
- if the paper is not presented at the conference, or
- if the quality and findings of the paper are not well explored and convincing. This will be checked by IEEE which applies to all accepted paper. Any accepted paper that will not be presented at the conference will be withdrawn from the conference proceeding, and will not be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.